What year was nel oliver baby girl

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It was jut so priceless: exaggerated, TV commercial-style drama, overheated histrionics, naff choreography, four-for-fifty kobo Michael Jackson imitators, extreme closeups of prodigiously mustachioed lips, white-framed plastic glasses-it had been a while since we'd seen a Nigerian music video that exulted so gloriously in its unabashed early 80s-ness! Most Nigerians probably know Nel Oliver primarily for the 1998 ballad ' Baby Girl,' but amongst my circle of friends and family, this song-or rather, this video-was a running in-joke that just got funnier and funnier with each passing year. I like the way Uchenna Ikonne of Comb & Razor put it:

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The video was also popular for its ridiculousness which was quite amusing to watch. Back then, it was a hit of which its video was collage of exaggerated swag and flashy outfits you could even see the Michael Jackson influence of the 1980s reflecting all through the scenarios.

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